Sunday, November 25, 2007


Post: Revisit the goals you set in Week 2. Did you reach them?

so to be perfectly honest my goal is to just really get through the 11 weeks with not to much trouble fuss and drama and go in the running for that ipod!!! but to serious i would really just like to be up-to-date with all the technology that is available to me. that was little old me at the start of this whole thing. im pretty sure i reached my goal as i have finished the 11 weeks, and early mind you as i will overseas at the time of completion of this project. i do feel i am as up-to-date with technology as i would like to be. ill be more than happy to just stumble across the rest as i see a need for me to use them.

Post: What have been the highs and lows of the 23 Things for you? Where to next with emerging technologies? For you? For libraries?

having an IT boyfriend means i will always be surrounded by technology be it emerging or not so i will always understand the lingo students begin to use and if i don't i have a constant source to which i can turn to to find out more. but im now more happy to stumble across them rather than having to go hunt for them. the high would have to be facebook. to get the opportunity to join facebook for work but then get to use it to regain contact with so many that i have lost along the way has been great, and i know i will continue to use facebook long after this project is completed. Myspace who?? the low was probably time and guilt. i could always find time to do the things each week but i always felt guilty every time i signed on to do them. i only work 2.5 days a week in my two sections and to take an hour out of one or the other never seemed fair as the other would then get me for a longer period say. but i think i am over that now, mainly as i have finished. libraries will always have to emerge with technology, its just the business we are in. if we are not up-to-date how are we expected to really serve our clientèle the best they deserve.

neways im off on holidays now. see you all upon my return.


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