Thursday, November 1, 2007


heres my thoughts on comparing social bookmarking sites:

citeulike: not one i like.
i found it not an easy site to search as it did not list the relevant sites according to relevance which meant i was to thrall through all links and pages before i could find one/if any relevant pages for my search. this then in my books makes it a time waster

connotea: either broken or just really crap
not happy bout this site at all hey. was all in like this weird code and there were no titles therefore making the user have any idea what anything was. upon some exploring it turns out it was just a posting of a link. CRAP!!!!

Google: always my 1# choice
"Google orders by relevance - by number of sites linking to it. whereas social bookmarking site order by the number of users linking to it" Gwyn Campbell, 2007
therefore comparing it with a social bookmarking site in my books doesn't work as they are just not the same thing. its like comparing apples with oranges. found this the same as the library's catalogue. didn't understand why that was included as a compare.

dogpile: cool name!
although it has a cool name i didn't really like this site. it doesn't distinguish what is a sponsored site to what is not, and in my experience sponsored sites aren't that helpful. so therefore i would not be recommending this social bookmarking site to anyone. if it cant help the user by displaying its results in an organised way its no way useful.

zuula: weird name!
good for those who try to live outside the square but for those who are either just used to engines like Google and yahoo, or are not to computer savvy id say it would be a little too confusing. i know thats how i found it.

all though its a visual delight i found it weird with all its results linking like a brainstorm and being what appeared to me all over the place. i found the lack of summary or explanation on how to use the darn site to be quite annoying and would defiantly never use this one again. yum yum
its very concise on the results it gives you but the page is quite plain and boring. i liked the feature where it shows how popular each result is which is always a plus when people are looking for information. if more users are linking to it then you get the feeling the information is highly relevant. one social bookmarking site i may have to remember for the future.

i can see where sites like these may have there advantages but i will be sticking to Google and yahoo.

1 comment:

Librarian Kathryn said...

85% of searchers don't go beyond the first page of google.

There are companies involved in SEO (Search Engine Optomization) who are paid by companies and interest groups to ensure the results their clients want are on the first page.

To test this out, do a google search on using the terms (without quotes) "evolution truth". The Christian right has paid big $$ to ensure that most of what you see on the first page is all about Biblical Creationism.

"nuclear fuel" also produces interesting results.

Lots of money is spent optimising political parties / politicians in the US.

The google search algorithm is much, much more complex than just the number of sites pointing to a link.