Thursday, October 4, 2007


so im a little confused right. this 23 things program runs for 13 weeks and we are meant to make something like 12 blog posts (one for each week we do a thing) but if week four and five are play weeks, what is the topic we are supposed to write about?

someone throw me a freakin bone here (little Austin Powers for u all)

so if we do have a play are we meant to comment on this and if we do nothing are we meant to just ramble some crap, coz this i am good at.

so im gonna make this my official week 4 blog

1 comment:

Scritty said...

Hi Vader Zim - I think if you look at each week's instructions from Librarian Kathryn - she gives a topic to blog about each week - it usually relates to what you have just been learning about. So if you go back to each weeks instructions - you'll see something about "blog post for the week" - Scritty